
Saturday, January 21, 2006

Female Salts of Power - Ritual Bath Salt

Relax and rejuvinate your personal powers in this stimulating bath potion.

Essential Herbs:
Bergamot oil - Prosperity, Sesuality & Protection
Ginger - Healing & Strength
Bayleaf - most powerful of herbs, Wisdom, Love and Balance.

Other Ingredients:
Sea Salt
Milk Powder

filed > Book of Shadows> Ritual Bath Salts

Chippie of The Day - Daily Crystal Reading

Quartz Crystal - Ace of Swords

The vibrations from clear quartz helps us think clearly. It symbolizes intelligence, clarity and fortitude.

A seed of opportunity has been planted in your life - examine your life and focus this crystal's clean sharp energy. Examine your situation objectively, commit to being honest and ethical to yourself, and resolve to set your problems straight.

Crystal Mantra:
I have the inner resources to overcome all obstacles - this is my promise.


Friday, January 20, 2006

Magic Potions - Index

Magic Potions, Gem Elixirs & Animal Essences for Witches, Wizards and Pagans

filed > Book of Shadows

Herbal Charm - House Blessing

Creating offerings to the Guardians that dwell in our houses are a great way to ensure our homes are blessed. Mix contents and pour into a muslin bag and hang in a central location in your home.
- Lavender
- Rose Buds
- Sandlewood oil
- Cedar ships
- Orris root (ground)

The herbs in this House Blessing mixture focus on energies of:
Harmony & Balance - lavender (peace), rose (compassion) & sandalwood (fidelity)
Protection - orris
Prosperity - cedar

Add a crystal to the mixture to enhance the energies, since I run a business out of my house I added a Tiger Eye the mix of herbs.

Beautiful scent, enjoy!

filed > Book of Shadows > Charms

Requests? Crystal / Tarot Divination, Spells, Charms, Crystal Combos

The best way to expand my Book of Shadows is by crafting for others.

Contact me at blog_onatah@yahoo.ca if you would like a crystal or tarot reading, some advice on which crystal energies work best together for specific purposes, help with writing some of your own devotionals / prayers...

I am working on creating some dream pillows right now for:
- remembering your dreams
- Lucid dreaming
- guarding against nightmares

I'll let you know how that works out... if you have any suggestions post away!

Chippie of the Day - Daily Crystal Reading

Aquamarine - The Hanged Man

Look at the other side of the coin today.
Whether you have been at a standstill, or you've recently made a forced break, a new strength is growing inside of you as you grasp a new awarenss. However, yes things aren't always as clear-cut as we'd like them to be... Certain truths are hidden in their opposites, we 'control' by letting go, we 'win' by surrendering.

The best approach to soving a problem is not always the most obvious one, when we most want to force our will on someone - that is the time to surrender, when we most want to have our own way - that is the time we should sacrifice, when we most want to act - that is the time to wait.

By making these contradictory moves we will find what we are looking for.

Watch for these traps today:
- boredom
- pre-mature reactions
- over-estimating your capabilities


Thursday, January 19, 2006

Magic Crystal Wands

Here are some crystal wands I made - click the image to see more detail

Car Protection Charm - Crystal Magic Spells

Moonstone -Safe night driving, protects against road rage, also protects travelers.

Turquoise - Hide this stone in your garage or near entrances to your home and car to repelintruders.

Green Aventurine - Helps to prevent accidents owing to haste or carelessness.

Blue Calcite - This stone is a deterrent against crime; place it near your door to help deter thieves or vandals.

Chrysocolla - Use it to bring a gentle but effective force fieldaround the home guarding against unpleasantor intrusive neighbours.

filed > Book of Shadows > Charms > Crystals

Father's Ancestoral Charm - Magic Spells for Father's Day

There are so many 'firsts' for you this year, included in these now is Father'sDay. From Son to Husband to Father you have your own Trinity of Love.
The good Spirits have blessed you with a precious little girl/boy.

A Father, I am, such as it be.
Understanding and love emerge from me.
May the universe to my children reveal,
The love I possess, the way I feel.

Crystal Energies & Vibrations
Blue Celestine - Do not fill your mind with worries about what might happenin the future, as this may prevent you from enjoying and gaining full benefit from the present situation.

Clear Fluorite - Increases telepathic link between you and your child.

Angelite - Increases telepathic link with your loved ones.

Tree Agate - Strengthens family roots, links with places of origin andmaintains family traditions.

Dedication to the Ancestors
Spirits of the Ancestors do you see what has been done?
A child has been born to continue your line.
Once again, a link is forged in the ancient chainand we are all connected that much tighter.
Bless this child, then; she/he carries your memory forward to the future.

filed > Book of Shadows > Charms > Prayers

Chippie of the Day - Daily Crystal Reading

Turquoise - Nine of Coins

Turquoise - always best given as a gift - provides purity of thought leading to greater wisdom. The vibrations of this crystal promotes creativity through the power of your imagination. Meditate on this crystal's rich colouring, and open yourself to the abundance and beauty of nature - joy and success will grow within you.

Maintain an optimistic outlook today and you can look forwad to:
- Profit & financial success
- Growth, satisfaction & abundance


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Wiccan Rede - The Counsel of the Wise Ones

The Wiccan Rede is a counsel which sums up the ethics Wicca.

Bide the Wiccan Laws ye must In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Live an' let live - Fairly take an' fairly give.

Cast the Circle thrice about To keep all evil spirits out.
To bind the spell every time - Let the spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye an' light of touch - Speak little, listen much.

Deosil go by the waxing Moon - Sing and dance the Wiccan rune.
Widdershins go when the Moon doth wane, An' the Werewolf howls by the dread Wolfsbane.
When the Lady's Moon is new, Kiss thy hand to Her times two.
When the Moon rides at Her peak Then your heart's desire seek.

Heed the Northwind's mighty gale - Lock the door and drop the sail.
When the wind comes from the South, Love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the wind blows from the East, Expect the new and set the feast.
When the West wind blows o'er thee, Departed spirits restless be.

Nine woods in the Cauldron go - Burn them quick an' burn them slow.
Elder be ye Lady's tree - Burn it not or cursed ye'll be.

When the Wheel begins to turn - Let the Beltane fires burn.
When the Wheel has turned a Yule, Light the Log an' let Pan rule.

Heed ye flower bush an' tree - By the Lady Blessed Be.
Where the rippling waters go Cast a stone an' truth ye'll know.

When ye have need, Hearken not to others greed.
With the fool no season spend, Or be counted as his friend.

Merry meet an' merry part - Bright the cheeks an' warm the heart.
Mind the Threefold Law ye should - Three times bad an' three times good.

When misfortune is enow, Wear the Blue Star on thy brow.
True in love ever be Unless thy lover's false to thee.

Eight words ye Wiccan Rede fulfill
- An' it harm none, Do what ye will.

- by Lady Gwen Thompson

Charms - Index

Magic Charm Bags - Index

filed > Book of Shadows

Crystals - Index

Crystals, Stones & Gems - Healing Vibrational Energy from the Earth

filed > Book of Shadows

Magic Healing Vibrations of Crystals - Fertility

Selenite - A stone of fertility, pregnancy and motherhood. Selenite protects the health of the would-be mother, the pregnant woman and the unborn child until it is able to leave the mother happily.

Mother of Pearl - Is a stone of preconception, pregnancy, birth and motherhood. Traditionally mother-of-pearl was placed on a newborn infant’s stomach for a few seconds to endow her with the protection of the mother even when the mother leaves the child with another care giver.

Chrysocolla - Is often called the women’s stone, because it heals all female-specific problems, especially those related to hormones and reproduction, from puberty right through to the end of a women’s earthly life. It will ease the process of childbirth if held during labour.

Carnelian - A stone of fertility and male potency, carnelian can relieve PMS and menopausal symptoms. Carnelian brings abundance in every way to the home and family.

Red Jasper - helps with menstrual problems and menopausal difficulties. It also increases energy and stamina and is good for anemia in the blood.

Red Tiger Eye - helps tired blood to rejuvenate and restores natural rhythms to the female menstrual cycle. It also increases male potency.

Bloodstone - An excellent women’s stone, bloodstone relieves menstrual and menopausal symptoms and helps women keep up their strength in labour.

More on fertility magic > Fertility Charm > Visualizations > Affirmations

Filed Under > Book of Shadows > Crystals

Crystal Charm Bag - Fertility

This has become a very popular Crystal Charm Bag that I've been creating for people lately. More fertility magic spells at the end of post.

There are three elements you need to exercise to summon the powerful magic within yourself - Affirmation, Visualization and Spiritual Petition.

This charm bag provides you with the necessary tools to meditate on.

A Spiritual Petition to the Goddess will help you open your mind and soul to the power and wisdom of our ancient ancestors, and invoke their guiding hands in your magic.

The Crystals are considered magical as they naturally radiate various fertility and healing properties, I have charged additional working energies into each crystal to begin visualization exercises.

Bind Runes are made up of combinations of two or more rune-staves (rune word), bind-runes expand and further refine the power and aim of runic formulas. Ingwaz Bercano – The Fertility & Creativity Bind Rune, is readyto be carried in your purse, put under your pillow or hold it in your hand to help you focus in your visualizations.

The Affirmations will help you focus on positive creative visualizations. This is the core of magic. Almost anyone can do the research and put together a set of magical tools/spells. It is only a few who are willing to surround themselves with blessed white light and creatively visualize what they want in their life, call upon the power of the Elements and Ancestors, and actually wield magic in their own behalf.

more on fertility > visualizations > affirmations
filed > Book of Shadows > Charms

Chippie of the Day

Green Tourmaline - Six of Wands

Things to look forward to today:
- Victory
- Successful completion
- Good news

Let the green tourmaline ease mental blocks and define relations with other people. By removing outdated thought patterns - making room for creativity and new goals - high standing and affluence will follow. _____________________________

Interesting how for the past three days tourmaline has been my stone... I've been engaged in locking down a large business deal, and at the same time working on this blog and my new website BookofShadows.ca http://www.bookofshadows.ca/ - obviously the vibrational energies of tourmaline has been my guide through this period involving a lot of writing and balance of business and creativity.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

War Wizard Potion of Clarity

Gem Elixir and Animal Essence
Carnelian - Citrine - Lapis Lazuli - Rutilated Quartz - Turquoise - Big Horn Sheep

The elixir is especially powerful for War Wizards who use the power of Confusion to battle their enemies. The War Wizard Potion of Clarity is the perfect elixir to take into battle as it promotes self-healing, precision alignment with higher sources of energy and increases physical energy and personal power. This wizard potion allows the user to access divine truth and ancient wisdom, which in turn enables the Wizard to have reverence for All, preventing the dissolution of innocents.

A Magic Potion for Wizards who Command Bewilderment Spells
The combination of gems will amplify qualities of concentration, centering and rational mind. The Elixir opens and clears channels of communication; amplifies the ability to hear information from physical and nonphysical sources and clears confusion between hearing and knowing.

For War Wizards
The spirit of the Big Horn Sheep allows the Wizard to claim and express inner power and authority, walk among the ranks with regalness, and attune to mountain wisdom.

Magic Crystals Make the Potion Stronger

Carnelian- A second chakra stone and one of prosperity, the elixir protects against envy, fear, rage, and dispels sorrow. Stimulates initiative, pro-creation, increasing physical energy, personal power, creativity, and compassion. Dispels apathy and passiveness. Useful to treat neuralgia, gall stones, kidney stones, pollen allergies and colds. Helps heal cuts and abrasions.

Citrine - harmonizes the mental body with higher spiritual laws; increases access to divine truth and intelligence; amplifies qualities of concentration, centering, and rational mind.

Lapis Lazuli - opens and clears channels of communication in the 5th chakra; amplifies the ability to hear information from physical and nonphysical sources; clears confusion between hearing and knowing.

Rutilated Quartz - promotes precision alignment with higher sources of energy and inspiration; helps us physically anchor the ability to access, synthesize, and communicate information from other dimensions.

Turquoise - attunes the energy field to the ancient wisdom and sacredness inherent in all of life; cleanses and deepens our connection to the Soul of the earth; helps us live a life of simplicity with gratitude and reverence for All.

Bighorn Sheep - An animal essence for Claiming and Expressing Inner Power and Authority, Empowerment, Regalness and Mountain Wisdom.

filed > Book of Shadows > Potions

Creative Writing - Index

Creative Writing - Index

filed > Book of Shadows

Chippie of the Day

Silver- Seven of Swords

Silver is a metal which symbolizes fantasy, intellectual quests, dreams and sensibility. It strengthens your intuition and allows us to develop new plans based on our dreams.


Visualizations - Fertility

Close your eyes, breathe out three times and imagine walking into a beautiful garden. There you find a tree and a stream of flowing water. Bathe in the water, allowing it to enter and clean all ova, or eggs. Then sit under the tree and enjoy the sunshine and blue sky reflecting through the leaves. Look up to your right and make a prayer for what you want. Do this quickly. Then ask your mate to join you in the garden. Lie down under the tree holding hands. Picture a blue light forming a dome over you. Now go out of the garden holding hands, cradling a child between you.

filed > Book of Shadows > Prayers

Affirmations & Visualizations - Fertility & Moon Blood

Women who hope not to be pregnant feel relief when their monthly period arrives. For women who had hoped to finally be pregnant, the first stirrings of menstruation lead only to grief and depression. Modern Western Culture perceives menstruation as the antithesis of pregnancy.

Change this.

Understand menstrual blood as the force that activates conception. Menstruation is the flower, the necessary precursor to the fruit of the womb.

Visualize yourself multiplying.
See yourself filled with the soul of the child you desire.

Affirm to yourself everyday that your body is unique and has its own natural cycle and believe that you are in tune with your own, not anybody else’s' menstrual cycle.

I now release all emotional blocks preventing conception. I am now becoming more and more confident about my ability to create.

filed > Book of Shadows > Prayers

Prayers for Pagans - Index

Prayers for Pagans - Index

filed under > Book of Shadows

Spiritual Petition

A Spiritual Petition for the Goddess - good to use in opening fertility magic

Praise to our Goddess
You are the cauldron of wisdom,
From which inspiration flows.
You are the broad Earth,
Which gives birth to all life.
You are the circling Moon,
Ruling the tides of Oceans and Women
You are the endless night sky,
Filled with numberless stars.
You are a grove of birch trees,
Shining in the forest deeps.
You are the Mother of us all,
And I look to you in wonder and awe.

filed > Book of Shadows > Prayers

Monday, January 16, 2006

Chippie of the Day

Rubellite - Ten of Wands

Let this Stone of Love send pink healing rays of light to relieve your stressful, overburdened situation or open the disappointed closed heart.

Free yourself from pressure.


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Chippie of the Day - Daily Crystal Reading

Watermelon Tourmaline - The World

A Major Element of Happiness is Wholeness

Watermelon Tourmaline harmonizes the male and female - the active and the intuitive powers within us. Clears the mind and gives openess and repose. Strengthens communication with your Inner Guide helping improve Mastery of Life.

You are in a position to realize your heart's desire through active contribution and service.
Join together to realize your goals. Become involved by sharing your gift, you will feel fulfilled as you take pleasure in life.

To hold the World in our hands, we must give of ourselves to it - that is the Source of True Happiness.


Drawing Powder - Personal Dusting Powder

Magnetism of Wealth and Prosperity

Calling the quarters & working in a sacred space, allows for Elemental correspondence to strengthen the end mixture's power. In this setting i mixed together:

1. Cornstarch
2. Ground dry basil
3. Essential oil of basil

Put the ingrediants in a tupperware with a lid, shake it up. Apply with a powder puff (get one at any drug store, I went to London Drugs, they are about $2).

filed under > BOS > Drawing Powders

Drawing Powder - Main Index

Drawing Powder Main Index

filed under > Book Of Shadows

Ritual Bath Salt - Personal Magnetism

Need to Sell Yourself? Attract More Business?

This ritual bath salt is beneficial for you, if your business depends on your personal magnetism.

Calling the quarters & working in a sacred space, allows for Elemental correspondence to strengthen the end mixture's power. In this setting I ground the following together in a mortar:

1. Sea Salt
2. Ginger - grated fresh
3. Basil - fresh
4. Essential basil oil

Pour into your bath and soak in it the morning of important meetings. In addition you can use Drawing Powder after drying off.

filed under > BOS > Ritual Bath Salt

Ritual Bath Salts - Main Index

Ritual Bath Salts Main Index

Please note: If you are not a 'bath' person please don't rule out these powerful bathing potions. Fill up your sink with hot water and put your assembled ingrediants in. Sponge on the body potion, or put your face over the sink and a towel on your head to infuse yourself with some aroma therapy.

filed under > Book Of Shadows">Book of Shadows

Talismans - Main Index

Talismans Main Index

filed under > Book Of Shadows

Book of Shadows - Practical Magic for Pagans

Book of Shadows - Index

Introduction & Wiccan Rede