
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Chippie of the Day

Hematite - King of Wands
The Stone of the Mind is calming and grounding, think of it rooting you to the ground as it provides mental, spiritual and emotional cleansing. It helps with original thinking, boosting our drive and will-power thereby supporting us in carrying out our plans. photo link

Friday, January 13, 2006

Talismans - Love Cycles

Love is Around the Corner

With Valentine's Day fast approaching, and we don't want any of you to rush your spell-work...

The Love Cycles Charm works best if you already have someone else in your life - maybe you are unsure if this person is 'The One" or maybe you just want to take the love to another level. It is a powerful gift to create for yourself, or to give to a friend who is in need of some 'clearning-up' in that area of their lives.

Begin with some modeling clay (any colour you feel is appropriate, you can get at craft stores - the type that hardenes when dries). Form the base in which you will place all of your crystals. Affix the crystals into the clay - let dry. Imbue with ritual.

1. Conjuring Stone - Amber
2. Psychic Shield - Pink Tourmaline
3. Stone of Passion - Coral
4. Stone of Power - Rhodochrosite
5. Heart Stone - Rose Quartz

The surface layer of magic contained in this charm will enable you to attract love. This is the easiest magic to use. The true magic of the charm is what you decide to do with that love.

Use Amber as your conjuring stone, it will provide you with the mental, emotional and physical state you need to attract successful love--Courage, Prosperity, Success. Only through acknowledging your weakness, can you embrace yourself the way you wish others to embrace you. Amber will rid your spirit of the depression and anxiety you have in your dealings with love.

Pink Tourmaline will block powerful negativity. With this psychic shield in place, your self-image will increase allowing you to open yourself to love, praise and friendship.

The Coral will help to attract passionate love, but more so it's magic is deeper in rewards. By creating psychic invisibility when you need a low profile, the coral will help you discover if the love you've found is pure and true, as you learn the intentions of others.

Rhodochrosite is the power stone that will move you into your 4th phase of love. Fight for the love you want and need, and it will bring you greater happiness in the end. Use it to deepen love ties and increase telepathic communication with lovers, family and pets.

Rose Quartz is your Heart Stone. This crystal you can turn to when you need reconciliation in love. Moreover this crystal is the center of this charm's magic--what you will attain is a gentle and enduring love.

Paladins Dig Wiccan's with Skills

Book of Shadows - Introduction

I will be sharing some of my special Spells, Potions, Talismans, Amulets and Charms with you here. The Crafting that I outline is just that, a guide - magic is a very personal experience, using your energies and power. You will find that when done right, you will feel empowered and exhausted. Drink lot's of spring water once you are finished. A final word of note, all of these magical practices are only useful for working into the future. Don't mess with the past - casting a spell is just going to make the situation even more confusing.

Spells are a mixture of words, objects and actions. They are chosen because their combined vibrations tune into your purpose. It is a way of collecting, raising and directing energy - it is not a substitute for daily mental and physical activities.

Potions have been brewed since ancient times for various magical purposes. As any kitchen witch will tell you, this form of magic is closely associated with the psychic properties of plants. Most potions are concerned with attracting love, strength and peace.

Talismans are objects imbued with special power to attract or repel certain energies, and can be made to attract protection, love, health or financial success to it's wearer. I have found that after the taliman's purpose has been served they will sometimes crumble, fall apart or become lost.

Charms similar to talismans, however they also contain magical words, chants or symbols written directly on the object, or container (I like to use drawstring bags).

Amulets are worn as jewelery and give the wearer protection.

Horoscope Humour

I reached it!

Q: How many Aries does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Only one, but it takes a hell of a lot of light bulbs.

Q: How many Taurus does it take to change a light bulb?
A: What, me move?

Q: How many Gemini does it take to change a light bulb?
A: 2

Q: How many Cancer does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Only one, but he has to bring his mother.

Q: How many Leos does it take to change a light bulb?
A: A dozen. One to change the bulb, and eleven to applaud.

Q: How many Virgos does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One to clean out the socket, one to dust the bulb, one to install, and two engineers to check the work.

Q: How many Libras does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Libras can't decide if the bulb needs to be changed.

Q: How many Scorpios does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. They LIKE the dark.

Q: How many Sagittarians does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One to install the bulb, and a Virgo to pick up the pieces.

Q: How many Capricorns does it take to change a light bulb?
A: The light's fine as it is.

Q: How many Aquarians does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Have you asked the bulb if it WANTS to be changed?

Q: How many Pisceans does it take to change a light bulb?
A: What light bulb?

Q: How many astrologers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: "Don't ask me now, Mercury's retrograde!

These were collected online. The original authors are unknown

Autoharp - Powerharp for the Bard

Healing Vibrations

There is something extremely soothing about playing this instrument. For me it's a combination of three things:

1. It is easy to learn
2. It's an instrument you cradle in your arms to play
3. It touches the spirit of my Inner Bard

I discovered the Autoharp after taking my girls to a children's music class. The children would instinctively gather around the teacher when she pulled out the instrument and they all watched and listened in awe. Even my 6 month old would kick her legs with glee, smiling & singing with the soothing strum.

I found that after playing the Autoharp for only a short amount of time that the vibrational energy that pours through me has opened up a whole new spiritual path. After a discussion with my reiki healer, I realized that this is another beautiful way to get closer to my Inner Guide. As I practice and learn I hear to my harp sing to me, my spirit glides on the mists of the forest in meditative voyages of self discovery.


Some great links & info on AutoHarp:
Brobdingnagian Bards - free mp3s
Play Better Blue Grass - Instruction books (may favs here, here and here)
Autoharp webring - if you've looked up anything on the autoharp before you've been here...
Harp has power to soothe, but can it heal? - Instrument shows potential to synchronize irregular heartbeats

Chippie of the Day

Herkimer Diamond - The Magician
This double-ended quartz crystal imparts clarity and strengthens the feeling of self-esteem. It supports courage, energy and the trust required to start something new. It contains all possibilities.

Today focus on:
- The realization of ideas
- Desire for action
- Mastery

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Meditations | Pagan Prayer to the Yard

Prayers to the Spirits of the Yard

Spirits of the Yard are wild, so no matter how reassuring order may be to us, it can be a bit opressive to to them. So keep a corner of your yard as a haven to the Wild - leave it alone and give the spirits who live there occasional offerings.

A piece of wild on the edge of tame,
you are home to wild spirits who live with us.
You who live here, be pleased with this offering,
give us a piece of the wild to keep us alive and fresh.

Poll Time

What are you most interested in?
Magic of Crystals
Rituals & Spellwork
Meditations & Prayers
Fantasy Writing

Free polls from Pollhost.com

The Raven Scout Report

The Tarot of Gemstones and Crystals
This is where the Chippie of the Day comes from... A great way to learn the divinational qualities of crytals. It is a very interesting working with a chippie tarot deck rather than the crystals themselves. It becomes a little more honest, as I find that I am always searching to pull out the 'right' chippie when casting stones.

Magic Books
Baby Magic - Enchanting and traditional Wisdom for You and Your Baby
A great book helping you to introduce some spellwork with your kids... fun, cute and lots of great ideas for holidays & birthdays etc...

Triloka - The BEST Incense
Love it need it! You can buy it online if you have to. My fav... Luck of the Kids, next best the elements line - Earth, Wind Water Fire.

Chippie of the Day

Larimar - Six of Swords

Larimar, with the colours of the wide heavens and the boundless ocean, makes us conscious of limitations we have set ourselves. It inspires us to overcome them and drop old habits related to thought.

When we go down new paths, unimagined possibilities of self-realization open up.

Discovering the Goddess

Totems & Doorways
Raven energy is the power of magic. Its power is not to be feared, as it teaches us to use our magic for the good of mankind, and not for our own selfish ends.

It is upon reflection of my animal totem that I decided to create this sacred online space. It is difficult to distinguish between fantasy and spirituality in this New Age that we live in. The veil between the modern world & the magical world of spirit is beginning to lighten.

With the world spinning in Sagittarius, the dawn of the New Age is truly here. Gone will be the stifling traditions that have silenced the voices of our Ancestors and the Goddess. With more and more people embracing an inner path in this New Age, more doorways between the 'modern' and 'natural' worlds are opening.

Your doorway is waiting for you in between the trees.

You just need to take the time to feel and embrace your inner guide to find it. The space between any two adjoining trees is a doorway. It is up to you to recognize what is on the other side. Once you have walked between two trees that have spoken to you, whether you were listening or not - you will know that once you cross through that doorway your Ancestors will be there to guide and protect you, the Goddess will be there to nurture and guide you and it will be a sacred place for you to meditate and perform magic.

It was the first time in a long time that she wandered freely. No time limits, no phone, and no kids - finally, alone wandering the woods with her Familiar. She thought back to when she was a child, exploring her family's farmland, spending lifetimes on adventures yet never being missed, as if time stood still. The soft mossy pastures she would lie in for hours and chatting to the mist, and all of the dark murky places she was warned against sneaking around. Every outing a wonderful escape as she let the Spirits of Nature be her guide.

There was something about this day, a modern lifetime since her woodland quests; she was pulled once again off the forest path into the woods. Something was whispering in her ear, guiding her steps - the clear vision of a sacred circle was clear in her mind's eye. I knew it was the right time to find a circle in the woods.

After decades of being closed and trudging through the modern world, this Nature's Child was returning to her spiritual centre.

Her Familiar, a sleek red-earth Labrador ran with her eyes peel back in the excitement of twigs and brambles grabbing at her coat as she ran through the unbroken path. A path that was calling out to her master.


She looked up and her breath caught in her throat - a doorway! She saw two trees side by side; to her they seemed to be standing distinctively alone in the forest. She placed her hands, one on each tree, feeling the vibrational energy from within as she crossed through the gateway.

This is it! This is my space. This circle, these leaves the shrub.... this tree, she paused - hello East. Feeling her head jerk up by an unknown force, she found herself staring deep into the waning moon.

The Goddess. In all of her voluptuous glory. She was humbled at her peaceful & loving presence.

Driven by instinct alone, Raven Scout ripped off her hat and standing tall tossed her head back and arched her neck to Her. I love you. She hesitated when the simple & powerful phrase ran across her consciousness as she couldn't figure out if the thought was hers or if it was placed there...

Suddenly she felt the sudden urge to take in a deep breath of the forest, feeling her breath stretching from the crown of her head well past her physical body and could feel roots growing from the soles of her feet deep into the forest floor. Now is not the time for rationalization - now is the time of experience.

She felt the time of ages swirl around her body - her clothes were stifling as she drank in the intoxicating presence of the Goddess, her Ancestors and the Elements. Time as she knew it shattered, the fallen pieces were swallowed up by the forest's floor. Raven Scout felt ashamed to be hiding from the Goddess and all that is magic; as layers of her clothing fell to the ground so did the oppression, confusion and beliefs of the modern world.

She rubbed her hands across her bare breasts and down over her stomach. She stared at her own body in awe as her skin glowed in the waning moonlight. A pulsing aura grew from her once swollen belly, her arms instinctively started to rise outward in front of her stomach. With her widened embrace, she intertwined the fingers of her open palms holding this growing power close to her.

She sighed with satisfaction, passion, relief, as an arousing tingle ran across her body - she felt the potential of the universe and it was part of her. She found her Faith, her Guide, her Goddess.

"Hmmm," she bit her lip and gave her head a little embarrassed shake. She had walked into this magical circle - this place in the forest that was part of her - and she didn't give any thanks.

"Ahhh" another sigh, where to begin, she thought to herself.

Just speak from your heart Raven Scout. Nature's Spirits replied to her.

"The Four Corners, my Ancestors, Goddess - thank you for guiding me to this magic circle." Raven Scout was giddy - she knew exactly what was happening to her. It was cold outside though so she quickly dressed before standing proud and facing the first corner. "North," her arms raised in welcoming, " I honour thee, give me roots and strength of spirit, let your strong earth support my travels."

As she turned to the next corner the fleeting thought of all the research and reading and waiting - and now this special moment is upon her... "East, I honour thee, may your gentle breezes guide my spirit." Another quarter turn in her circle, "Hail to the South, may your passionate fire burn deep in my soul. Hail to the West, let your waves of reason and understanding wash over me and carry me through life."

She looked up at the crown of the forest against the white winter sky - "thanks to you my Ancestors for your patience - I have returned home. Stay with me as always and help me protect my family."

She placed her hands on the doorposts of her new home. As Raven's right hand came to rest on the weathered bark of one of the doorway trees, she pulled her head back in shock. "Alcorn. Your name is Alcorn?" she said to the larger tree. She turned and placed her left hand on the other tree of the doorway, the name came to her immediately- Wayvern. She could feel the energies of one tree flow through her into the other. I knew you both in another life, in another Age.

She could feel the love of the trees, the passion they had felt for each other so long ago. And now here they stood, growing for years side by side the power of their trunks never able to connect - only their small branches and leaves intertwined, fallen branches from one caught by the other. A longstanding love, creating a magical gateway for one special person.

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